プライバシーポリシー/ Privacy policy
(1) 利用目的
OISCは個人情報を、契約の履行、当社からの商品・サービス等のご案内、アンケートの依頼および社内における調査・研究資料として利用させていただきす。この目的以外に利用致しません。 ただし、法的な要請、ご本人の同意がある場合、またはOISCの安全性の確保の必要がある場合は、この限りではありません。
(2) 個人情報が登録いただけない場合の制限 個人情報の一部または全部が登録いただけない場合、サービスの一部または全部が利用できなくなることがあります。
(3) Cookieの使用について OISCでは、お客様のプライバシーの保護、利便性の向上、および統計データの取得のため、Cookie(クッキー)を使用します。 ただし、Cookieには個人情報は一切書き込まれません。
(4) 個人情報の開示・訂正・利用停止等の対応 OISCが保有するご自身の個人情報について開示を請求することができます。 またその結果、必要な場合は訂正された場合、合理的な範囲で適切に対応させていただきます。 対応窓口までお申し出ください。
Privacy policy for the Oxford International Study Centre (OISC)
This policy explains what information we gather when you visit OISC’s website, and explains how that information is used. It is important for you to appreciate that the OISC website provides extensive links to other independent sites. This policy applies only to direct accesses to the central web site - URLs starting http://www.oxintstudycentre.com. You will need to consult the appropriate information on other sites for information on their policies. Any changes to this privacy policy will be posted on this page.
Data collected
In common with most web sites, this site automatically logs certain information about every request made of it (see below for more details). This information is used for system administration, for bug tracking, and for producing usage statistics. The logged information may be kept indefinitely. Relevant subsets of this data may be passed to computer security teams as part of investigations of computer misuse involving this site or other computing equipment in the centre. Data may be passed to the administrators of other computer systems to enable investigation of problems accessing this site or of system misconfigurations. Data may incidentally be included in information passed to contractors and computer maintenance organisations working for OISC, in which case it will be covered by appropriate non-disclosure agreements. Otherwise the logged information is not passed to any third party except if required by law. Summary statistics are extracted from this data and some of these may be made publicly available, but those that are do not include information from which individuals could be identified. You should appreciate that a log is a record of what a server sees, not necessarily what was initially sent. If a request is sent via a proxy the log file will show the proxy's address. If someone has forged your address the log file will show your address. This site may use web "cookies" as part of user authentication (login) and to store information needed by other facilities. This site runs web traffic analytics, which uses cookies for tracking visitors to the site. This is to gain more complete data on site use and will support the ongoing web review.
Logged data
The following data is automatically logged for each request:
- The name or network address of the computer making the request. Note that under some (but not all) circumstances it may be possible to infer from this the identity of the person making the request. Note also that the data recorded may be that of a web proxy rather than that of the originating client
The username, when known during authenticated (logged in) access to
the site
The date and time of connection
The HTTP request, which contains the identification of the document
The status code of the request (success or failure
The number of data bytes sent in response
The contents of the HTTP Referrer header supplied by the
- The content of the HTTP User-Agent header supplied by the browser
Logging of additional data may be enabled temporarily from time to time for specific purposes. In addition, the computers on which the web site is hosted keep records of attempts (authorised and unauthorised) to use them for purposes other than access to the web server. This data typically includes the date and time of the attempt, the service to which access was attempted, the name or network address of the computer making the connection, and may include details of what was done or was attempted to be done.
Access to personal data
For the purpose of the UK Data Protection Act 1998, the 'Data Controller' for the processing of data collected by this site is Oxford International Study Centre and the point of contact for subject access requests is the Data Protection Officer at 7 St. Aldate’s Oxford OX1 1BS; tel.01865 201009. Oxford International Study Centre is also Data Controller in respect of any personal data served as content by this site.
Ben Llewelyn E-mail: admin2@oxinstudycentre.com TEL: +44 (1865) 201009 (窓口時間 英国時間 9:00~17:00) Fax: +44 (1865) 201006 Post: Oxford International Study Centre, 7 St Aldates, Oxford OX1 1BS |