学校約款 / Terms and Conditions
コースお申し込みおよびその後の手続きについては、Oxford International Study Centre (OISC)の定める約款に基づき行われます。 OISCと申込者本人あるいは代理人がこれを遵守することが、求められます。
全額費用に含まれるもの 登録料、宿泊施設手続き手数料、全コース代金、その他のオプション(空港送迎等)
コース参加者は、コース参加条件を満たしていることを求められます。 例:参加時の年齢、英語レベル、必要資格など
個人による申込に関して以下に定められた約款が適用されます。 グループ申込については別途契約となり、かかる契約条項により適用されます。
30日前までのキャンセル |
登録料、宿泊施設手続き手数料、管理費(50ポンド)が 経費(書類郵送料、クーリエ料金、銀行送金手数料等)を、差し引いた残額が払い戻されます。
申込者本人、あるいは親族の死亡あるいは重病によりキャンセルの場合、 証明書を提出することが求められます。
15日から29日までのキャンセル |
払込代金の25% (登録料、宿泊施設手続き手数料、管理費(50ポンド)、その他経費(書類郵送料、クーリエ料金等 を差し引いた後の残額に対して)
3日から14日までのキャンセル |
Terms and Conditions
OISCの定めるTerms and Conditions (約款)
Fees must be paid 14 days before arrival. These include: registration, accommodation placement, full course fee and any optional fees eg airport transfers. A deposit of 25% (or full fees for programmes of one month or less) is required on enrolment for students who need a Home Office letter of acceptance to facilitate Visa and Immigration applications.
Payment must be made in Pounds Sterling, either by cheque or by Bank Transfer. Bank Transfers are subject to a surcharge.
When there is no alternative, we reserve the right to alter courses and course dates without notice. In such cases, alternative arrangements will be made of equal or greater value than the original course booking..
All lessons are 45 minutes long (unless otherwise stated). In the event of a subject being taken by only one student we offer either one half of the number of lessons booked for that subject at no additional cost, or an alternative subject where a group is available.
Enrolment is confirmed when we have received all fees, completed application forms, and a signed copy of Student terms and conditions. Students may begin their programme any Monday. Applications must be accompanied by a passport scan and scan of recent qualifications.
We require that students applying for ALevel programmes have the equivalent of 5 GCSEs with grades A-C of better. Students applying for GCSE or Pre-Boarding school programmes must show aptitude in Maths and English appropriate to their year group. For all programmes for students whose first language is not English we have an initial assessment test (EFL) in order to allocate the most appropriate group for them
Refund and cancellation policy
Please note that refund and cancellation policy for groups is different and each group has it's own separate agreement.
A total refund (less registration fee, accommodation placement fee, expenses e.g. courier service, and administration fee of £50) is payable when:
- a visa application has been rejected , an appeal has been made, and the letter of rejection (original) is provided
30 days cancellation notice is given, prior to course
- evidence is produced concerning death or serious illness involving the student or his or her next-of-kinA 50% refund is payable when:
- 15-29 days cancellation notice is given, prior to course commencementA 25% refund is payable when:
- 3-14 days cancellation notice is given, prior to course commencementNo refund of the deposit or fees paid (short courses) is made to students who:
- cancel courses with less than 72 hours notice, or after commencement, or who fail to arrive in Oxford after a visa invitation has been provided.
- A C.A.S has been issued and a visa granted
The above refund conditions refer to tuition, accommodation and all other payments The above terms also apply to cancellation or postponement due to circumstances beyond our control eg disruption of flights, and you are advised to take out insurance against such events before travelling.
Medical and travel insurance
Students must obtain medical and travel insurance prior to enrolment.
Student Conduct
OISC reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any student, without refund, who behaves in a manner which is deemed to be unsatisfactory. In all such cases, the Home Office and the student's family will be informed. A copy of the full policy on disciplinary procedures and exclusions is available on request.
OISC is not liable for any damage sustained by students, or their property, howsoever caused, while enrolled at the College.
Stage 1.-- Informal Resolution
- It is hoped that most complaints and concerns will be resolved quickly and informally.
- If a student has a complaint, s/he should normally contact their Personal Tutor. In many cases, the matter will be resolved straightaway by this means to the parents' and student’s satisfaction. If the Personal Tutor cannot resolve the matter alone, it may be necessary for him/her to consult the Principal.
- Complaints made directly to the Principal will usually be referred to the relevant Personal Tutor, unless the Principal deems it appropriate for him/her to deal with. the matter personally.
- The Personal. Tutor will make a written record of all concerns: and complaints and the date on which they were received. Should the matter not be resolved within a reasonable
period of time or in the event that the Personal Tutor and the student/ parent fail to reach a satisfactory resolution, then parents will be advised to proceed with their complaint in accordance
with stage 2 of this procedure.
Stage 2— Formal Resolution
- If the complaint cannot be resolved on an informal basis then the student /parents should put the complaint in. writing to the Principal.. The Principal will decide, after considering the complaint, the appropriate course of action to take.
- In most cases, the Principal will meet with the parents concerned, normally within 7 days of receiving the complaint, to discuss the matter. If possible, resolution will be reached at this stage.
- It may be necessary for the Principal to carry out further investigations.
- The Principal will keep written records of all meetings and interviews held in relation to the complaint.
- Once the Principal is satisfied that all of the relevant facts have been established, a decision will be made and parents will be informed of this decision in writing. The Principal will also give reasons for her decision.
- If parents/student are still not satisfied with the decision, they should proceed to Stage 3 of this Procedure.
Stage 3 —Panel Hearing
- If parents seek to invoke. Stage 3 (following a failure to reach an earlier resolution), they will be referred to an independent adjudicator who has been appointed by the Directors.
- The adjudicator is a person who is not directly involved in the matters detailed in the complaint and who is independent of the management and running of the College.
- The adjudicator will then acknowledge the complaint and schedule a hearing to take place as soon as practicable and normally within 28 days.
- If the adjudicator deems it necessary, it may require that further particulars of the complaint or any related matter be supplied in advance of the hearing. Copies of such particulars shall be supplied to all parties not later than 7 days prior to the hearing.
- The parents and/or student may be accompanied to the hearing by one other person. This may be a relative, teacher or friend. It is not the intention that the parties should be legally represented at the hearing.
- If possible, the adjudictor will resolve the parents' concern immediately, without the need for further investigation.
- Where further investigation is required, the adjudicator will decide how to carry out the investigation. After due consideration of all the facts considered relevant, a decision will be made, together with recommendations,which shall be completed within 28 days of the hearing. The adjudicator will write to the parents informing them of the decision and the reasons for it.
- The decision of the adjudicator will be final. The recommendations will be sent in writing to the parents, the Principal, the Directors and where relevant, the person complained of.
- Parents can be assured that all concerns and complaints will be treated seriously and confidentially.*
- Correspondence, statements and records of complaint will be kept confidential except in so far as is required of the College by paragraph 6(2) (j) of the Education (IndependentSchools Standards) Regulations 2003; where disclosure is required in the course of the School's inspection; or where any other legal obligation prevails.